
2010/764 Australian Seafood CRC health communication
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2010/764 Australian Seafood CRC health communication


By Alex McManus

The first objective of this project was to assist with the development of the Health Behaviour and Communication themed presentations at the International Seafood & Health (IS&H) Conference held at the Melbourne Convention Centre from 7-10 November 2010.

The second objective was to organise and man the Australian Seafood CRC Trade Display at the IS&H Conference. The CRC’s ‘Seafood for Life’ trade display was a successful venture with high interest in the over the weekend, with considerable interest from industry. This interest resulted in several potential avenues for promotion of education resources.

There was high interest in the CRC trade display over the weekend, with considerable interest from industry. This interest resulted in several potential avenues for promotion of education resources. All visitors who attended the trade display were most impressed with the evidence-based resources provided and supported the development of further resources in the ‘Seafood and Health’ series targeting other common lifestyle conditions.

Three of the International keynote Speakers noted they would be interested in collaborating on the further development of these resources. These resources have the potential to further educate the general population on the health benefits of seafood and, by extension would result in increased demand for Australian seafood products.