
Who We Are

Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre Funding

Our funding comes from a variety of sources with a total value of $A140 million. Of this $A140 million:

  • $A77.6 million is cash
  • $A30 million is from in-kind resources (staff time and facilities provided)
  • The rest coming from the value of 300 full time equivalent staff

Of the $A77.6 million we have in cash:

  • $A35,520 million comes from the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research (the Commonwealth Government)
  • $A20,683 million from industry
  • $A13,164 million from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
  • $A6,850 million from other research and development providers
  • $A1.4 million from the South Australian Government

Our Mission and Goal

The mission of the Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre is to assist end-users of its research to profitably deliver safe, high-quality, nutritious Australian seafood products to premium markets - domestically and overseas. 


The goal of the Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre is to double the value of the Australian seafood industry to $4 billion by 2017 to generate a significant number of new jobs in rural and regional areas. 


Len Stephens (far right) is the Managing director of the Australia Seafood CRC

Who We Are At The Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre

Did you know that the seafood industry is the sixth most valuable of Australia's food-based primary industries?

It has a gross value of production of $A2.05 billion in 2006-07, down from fourth ranking two years previously. Unfortunately the Australian seafood industry has longstanding "weaknesses" at many places along the value chain, stemming from market and institutional failure. A national approach to 'fixing the gaps' in the value chain was needed.


Our Business Information

The Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre Company Ltd was incorporated on the 20th June 2007 and on the 23rd July 2007, the company signed the Commonwealth Agreement, which underpins the Australian Government's investment.

Our Australian Business Number (ABN) is: 51 126 074 048.

All business related enquiries regarding the Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre should be directed in the first instance to our Business Manager, Debra D'Aloia:

Phone: 1300 732 213

Email: debra.daloia@seafoodcrc.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


The History of the Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre

The bid process took a dedicated team of passionate people more than two years to develop a business proposal, a full business case and to seek substantial investment from industry and research providers.

During this time, the strength and support by the seafood industry for the Cooperative Research Centre initiative was outstanding. In August 2006, every major Australian wild-harvest and aquaculture sector, and key post-harvest organisations made major, firm commitments to invest.

In December 2006, the Australian Government agreed to invest $35.5 million over seven years, to which was added more than $100 million by industry, research providers and other funding sources. We now have more than $140 million in total investment.

This extraordinary level of commitment, at a time when many industry sectors were under extreme pressure, shows how much industry leaders wanted to get on the front foot and ensure a strong financial base into the future.