
Visiting Experts

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2008/726 Visit by Dr Pierre Boudry and Dr Helen McCombie, IFREMER, France

This visiting expert grant allowed exposure of two European mollusc researchers, Dr Pierre Boudry and Dr Helen McCombie, to the Australian shellfish industry, in particular the oyster industry.  Read More

2008/797 Visit by Professor Clemens Schacky, University of Ludwig-Maximilians Universistat, Munich, Germany

This grant allowed Professor Clemens von Schacky auf Schonfeld, from the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich to visit Australia. During his visit, Professor Schacky gave talks in Perth (in conjunction with Curtin University), Adelaide and Sydney.  Read More

2009/740 Visit by Dr Doug Tocher, University of Stirling, Scotland

This visiting expert grant allowed a visit to South Australia by Dr Douglas Tocher, who is based in Scotland and is an internationally recognised scientist in the area of finfish lipid and fatty acid nutrition.  Read More

2009/741 Visit by Dr Dr Clive Talbot, Nutreco Aquaculture Research Centre, Norway

This visiting expert grant allowed Dr Clive Talbot, a Norwegian aquaculture researcher, to visit Clean Seas Tuna’s (CST) Yellowtail Kingfish (YTK) production and grow-out facilities.  Read More

2010/721 Visit by Professor Gavin Burnell, AQUATT, Ireland

This Visiting Scientist Bursary was designed to allow Professor Gavin Burnell to visit a representative cross section of CRC members and advise on how other models for communication among aquaculture stakeholders have been successfully developed overseas.  Read More

2010/765 Visit by Dr Paw Dalgaard, Danish Technical University, Denmark

Dr. Paw Dalgaard of the Danish Technical University is internationally recognised for his work on microbial quality, spoilage and safety of fish.  Read More

2011/720 Visit by Dr. Kai Lorenzen, Integrative Fisheries Sciences, University of Florida

Professor Kai Lorenzen, a world-leading expert on sustainable and responsible stock enhancement in fisheries, travelled to Australia as part of the CRC’s Visiting Expert scheme.  Read More

2012/727 Visit by Dr. Standish K. Allen Jr. from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science

This bursary provided a personal development opportunity and support for a PhD student with analysis of samples.  Read More

2012/728 Enhancement of tetraploid and triploid production in the Australian Pacific Oyster industry

The objective of this Visiting Expert project is to get Shellfish Culture Ltd (SCL) to continue the improvement of tetraploid technology in Australia, and by example, the world.  Read More

2012/755 Visit by Dr John Taylor to Tasmania

Dr John Taylor from the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling in the UK was invited to visit Tasmania to share his wealth of experience in the environmental control of fish physiology and nutritional regulation of deformity.  Read More

2013/721 South Australia Oyster Mortality Syndrome (SAMS) workshop with expert participation from Ben Madden and Rachel Gordon from Ausvet

This report presents the findings of a workshop held in Adelaide, South Australia, in April 2013 to further investigate mortalities occurring in South Australia (SA) oyster farms.  Read More

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