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2011/773 CRC Abalone Research Forum |
By Caleb Gardner The main aim of this project was to engage with national and international industry members, researchers and managers, working on topics similar to CRC projects elsewhere in the world. The CRC Abalone Forum was run in Hobart in May 2012, in conjunction the 8th International Abalone Symposium in Hobart in May 2012 so that research and participants from elsewhere could be part of the sessions. The conference and thus the forum attracted a large number of registrants (261) from 19 countries. The forum dealt with areas of special relevance to CRC projects and was effective in generating outputs from the CRC with many papers currently under review for publication in a refereed journal. The forum also included sponsorship for industry registrations which contributed to the larger than usual participation of industry in this type of event (130 registrations).
The reseeding workshop was held to review and reinvigorate the concept of abalone enhancement. Enhancement operations were showcased from Japan, the USA and New Zealand. Presentations explored field methods of stock enhancement/reseeding and evaluating survival to help direct future efforts and maximise efficacy. The CRC has substantial investment in marketing. The forum assisted with this through the presentation of information on global production and markets. The intent was to develop a better-informed Australian research and industry community fully aware of the latest global trends.