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2003/209 Sydney Rock Oysters: Overcoming constraints to commercial scale hatchery and nursery production

The primary aim of this project was to develop the technology and establish the conditions under which reliable, commercial, industry based, supply of selectively bred spat was possible.  Read More

2005/209 Industry management and commercialisation of the Sydney Rock Oyster breeding program

This project sought to increase the operating efficiency of the Sydney Rock Oyster industry through the provision of direct access to management systems and knowledge.  Read More

2006/226 Securing and enhancing the Sydney Rock Oyster breeding program

This study worked with the Select Oyster Company to address QX disease in Sydney Rock Oysters (SRO) and successfully characterised the phenoloxidase enzyme in SRO and showed that phenoloxidase is a critical component of the cellular defences of oysters.  Read More

2006/227 Enhancement of the Pacific Oyster selective breeding program

This report identifies ways to enhance the Pacific Oyster Breeding program through more effective breeding stategies.  Read More

2008/700 Protecting the safety and quality of live oysters through the integration of predictive microbiology in cold supply chains

This thesis titled “Protecting the Safety and Quality of Live Oysters through the Integration of Predictive Microbiology in Cold Supply Chains” was completed by Judith Fernandez-Piquer in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Tasmania in November 2011.  Read More

2008/704 Review of available software tools that can be used to support selective breeding programs in the Seafood CRC

The Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Center is developing a Theme Business Plan to support and coordinate a cooperative approach to aquaculture genetics research in the CRC.  Read More

2008/761 Investigation into the microbiological causes of epizootics of Pacific Oyster larvae in commercial production

CRC PhD student Christopher Chapman’s thesis undertook research on the microbiological causes of epizootics of Pacific Oyster larvae (Crassostrea gigas) in commercial production.  Read More

2008/763 Shelf life and value adding of Australian oysters

A PhD study which aimed to determine the spoilage processes of Australian half shell oysters.  Read More

2008/775 Oyster ‘Condition’ Defining Workshop

Report on a one day workshop to define oyster ‘condition’ and to review the techniques available for its assessment.  Read More

2009/729 Australian edible oyster industry business plan 2009-2014

The Australian oyster industry comprises approximately 550+ individuals and businesses located principally in three states, NSW, South Australia and Tasmania. This projects reports on a national business R&D plan for the Australian oyster growing sector for 2010-2014  Read More

2009/743 Reproductive condition, marketability and survival in oyster breeding strategies

The Australian Seafood Industries' (ASI) breeding program is now in its eighth generation of selectively bred Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) families, concentrating in South Australia and Tasmania on increased turnover, shell shape and uniformity. The oyster industries now require breeding programs to focus on quality and market appeal, to increase competitiveness alongside imported and alternative products. This project looked for preliminary evidence of sensory variation between standard a  Read More

2009/764 Impact of short-term exposure to acid sulphate leachate parameters on the biochemical condition of stressed Pacific Oysters

This Honours thesis titled ‘Impact of Short-Term Exposure to Acid Sulphate Soil Leachate Paramaters on the Biochemical Condition of Stressed Pacific Oysters Crassostea gigas' was completed by Joel Kellam-Stock in fulfillment of the requirements of the Honours degree of Bachelor of Technology (Aquaculture) at Flinders University.  Read More

2010/724 Development of tools for the sustainable management of genetics in polyploid Pacific Oysters

This thesis developed and utilised suites of microsatellite markers to determine the baseline diversity of native, naturalised and cultured diploid oysters.  Read More

2010/734 Oyster over-catch: Cold shock treatment

A commercial scale, hypersaline, cold-shock bath, dubbed the “Super Salty Slush Puppy” was constructed to provide proof of concept of cold shock treatment for over-catch control.  Read More

2011/718 Molecular analysis of the effect of stressors on oysters

During their life-time, cultivated and wild oysters are exposed to a variety of environmental stressors, including salinity and temperature fluctuations, pollution and pathogens in their natural habitat. This study generated and examined the changes in transcriptome of Sydney Rock Oysters in response to environmental stressors.  Read More

2011/726 Wanted dead or alive: Novel technologies for measuring infectious norovirus particles

This project aimed to develop sensor surface functionality of novel detection technology to improve discrimination between infectious and non-infectious norovirus in oyster.  Read More

2011/766.02 Seafood CRC Oyster Business Benchmarking Project Report on Extension Activities

This project was completed by RDS Partners under contract by the Australian Seafood CRC to assist with gathering and collating feedback from the oyster industry regarding extension and promotion activities associated with the “Benchmarking the Australian Oyster Industry Project”.  Read More

2011/772 Impacts and predictive modelling of coastal upwelling on the South Australian oyster industry

This project compiled and studied data that has been collected over the past 10 years within oyster harvesting areas. This information was used to understand how the presence of phytoplankton (or lack thereof) varied with weather conditions or mortality events. This will then inform growers of best farming times, provide a predictive ability to put product in the water and give some certainty as to mortality events.  Read More

2012/713 Understanding conditioning of Sydney Rock Oysters

This project set out to identify Sydney Rock Oyster neuropeptides that affect reproduction in order to develop technologies for improving reproductive condition and spawning.  Read More

2012/760 Genetic selection for resistance to Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome

This project aimed to improve the understanding of Pacific Oyster Mortality Syndrome (POMS) and the genetic inheritance of POMS resistance. This knowledge can then be used to recommend a breeding strategy that includes resistance to POMS.  Read More

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