
Product and Market Development

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2012/759 Cleaner production strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emission in the Western Australian finfish industry

This research consisted of an unique study of the whole finfish fillet supply chain in Western Australia and provided recommendations to industry of areas to target that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economically, without compromising the product quality. The research successfully measure the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from three Western Australian finfish supply chains, found the areas of greatest emissions using a streamlined life cycle assessment and then developed and assessed (fo  Read More

2013/744 Evaluation of the impact of TV and other forms of advertising and its effect on consumer behaviour for Tassal Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon Phase 2

This project evaluated the ability of a lower weight advertising campaign to maintain the gains in consumer perception and actual behaviour achieved by the heavy weight launch campaign in year one.  Read More

2013/750 Sydney Fish Market supply chain opportunities

This research will enable Sydney Fish Market to develop market development programmes (for species of strategic interest) in the Sydney region.  Read More

2014/705 A guide for use by the shark and other fisheries for preparation of information for consumers

This project aimed to develop ‘how to’ guide for small to medium businesses to assist in navigating the Food Standards Code as well as a simple promotional brochure framework, using Augusta Wild Caught Fisheries to illustrate how it could be used in practice.  Read More

2015/702 A final seafood omnibus: evaluating changes in consumer attitudes and behaviours

The purpose of this project was twofold – firstly, to identify changes in consumers’ attitudes and behaviours over the past five years to seafood, and secondly, to further explore key issues impacting continued consumer trends. This study is the third Omnibus Consumer Research project carried out by the CRC.  Read More

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