
Product and Market Development

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2010/775 New product development for low value, high volume species - WA Sardines

This project applied value chain analysis to define new market opportunities for WA sardines.  Read More

2010/776 Research, develop and trial new Australian wild caught abalone products in China

This project was proposed to address issues involving the format of Australian wild abalone being supplied to trial restaurants in China.  Read More

2011/711 Strategic decision making and business performance in the Australian seafood industry

This project provided a greater understanding of the extent to which Seafood CRC industry partners adopt CRC research outcomes as a tool for improving internal resources and capabilities, resulting in increased business performance. This demonstrates the benefits to existing Seafood CRC partners and the broader seafood industry of engaging in cooperative research.  Read More

2011/712 Exploring strategy and strategic planning within Australian commercial fisher micro-businesses

This study is focussed on exploring the use of strategy and strategic planning at the micro-business level within the Australian commercial fishing industry.  Read More

2011/717 Postdoctoral research fellow – Toxicology

In this project, a postdoctoral research fellow was involved in a number of research projects related to toxins in seafood and the potential risks that they pose.  Read More

2011/736 National prawn market category planning

In an Australian first, prawn farmers joined forces with the wild catch prawn industry to develop a national marketing and promotional strategy.  Read More

2011/746 Value adding to the School Prawn Industry: Clarence River case study

This project aimed to investigate the mechanical extraction of meat from whole school prawns as a means to develop a new revenue stream for the industry.  Read More

2011/748 Time-temperature monitoring for maximising returns through the supply chain

The goals of this project were to understand how temperature affects prawn quality parameters and to provide the industry with tools to manage supply chains.  Read More

2011/750 A bio‐economic model for South Australia’s prawn trawl fisheries

This project provided the prawn industries with a new mechanism to determine fishing strategies that optimise the economic returns to the industry rather than the current focus on biological sustainability. Additionally, the model will enable economic examination of alternate management strategies, such as reduction in the size of the fleet, which may provide significant long-term benefits to the industry.  Read More

2011/756 Evaluation of the impact of advertising Tassal Atlantic Salmon on growth of sales of the Tassal brand and the whole salmon category

This project aimed to evaluate the impact of Tassal advertising on the growth of sales of the Tassal brand and of the salmon category.  Read More

2012/702 Innovation in traceability for the Australian seafood industry: Austral Fisheries/Northern Prawn Fishery case study

This project aimed to identify the most relevant technologies, and implement and evaluate a traceability system for Austral Fisheries which would enable informed decision making around costs and benefits by other sectors of the industry.  Read More

2012/703 Development and commercialisation of an oyster TTI system

A small marketing trial of the ConTag time-temperature logger was conducted with ten Tasmania oyster companies.  Read More

2012/704 Improving trade and market access to the People's Republic of China for Australian rocklobster and abalone industries

The project provided a report that defined a clear trade agenda for the rocklobster and abalone industries, the creation of the Seafood Trade Access Group (STAG), with supporting key messages to articulate this in a professional manner to Government.  Read More

2012/705 Future options for business structures to optimise Australia/China lobster trade opportunities.

This projects goal was to assess the commercial opportunities and constraints to establishing direct trade of Rocklobster to China.  Read More

2012/715 Preliminary investigation into alternative markets in Asia for Australian Southern Rockobster

This project is the initial data collection and gathering of market intelligence that will be analysed to inform the development of a larger project focused on building market resilience for Australian Southern Rocklobster.  Read More

2012/740 Evaluating the impact of an improved retailing concept for oysters in fishmongers

Previous CRC research has highlighted opportunities to provide education to consumers to address some of the issues that currently prevent purchase. Specifically, information re where the oysters are from (provenance), how to prepare them (incl. recipes / accompaniments), how to store them, plus creating some excitement / visibility of the products via in-store theatre (shucking) are all areas that would appear likely to stimulate demand. This project aimed to increase the sales of fresh oysters  Read More

2012/741 Southern Rocklobster market diversification study

The project report provides information to assist SRL exporters assess potential market diversification opportunities.  Read More

2012/746 Preliminary investigation of internationally recognised responsible fisheries management certification

This project investigated the feasibility of an FAO Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification for Australia by testing the process on two New South Wales fisheries using the Conformance Criteria Version 1.2 which has been used in Alaska RFM fisheries certification.  Read More

2012/758 Increase sustainable use of crab fisheries resources by recovering revenue from crabs currently rejected at market

Financial losses on the live mud and spanner crab supply chain into Sydney Fish Market are significant.SFM is obviously keen to stem these losses and ensure the whole supply chain can redeem as much of this loss as is possible. To that end it has approached the QLD DPI seafood team to develop a research program to address this issue.  Read More

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